Removal of online content by Pathways Alliance and member companies makes the case for regulation of industry’s emissions

Pembina Institute available for comment

Oilsands mine

Photo: Pembina Institute

CALGARY, AB – MC Bouchard, oil and gas program director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Pathways Alliance’s and member companies’ decision to remove climate and sustainability-related content from their websites, social media and other public communications:

“For some time now, our research and analysis has been identifying significant gaps between the emissions reduction promises that the Pathways Alliance first made in 2021, and their actions to deliver those promises. It remains the case that the group has yet to make any final investment decisions on carbon capture projects, or on other technologies, that would meaningfully reduce their emissions in line with their previously stated 2030 and 2050 targets -- despite the existence of significant public subsidies to support such investments.  

“The oilsands is still Canada’s highest emitting industry, and those emissions continue to grow. The actions Pathways and its member companies have taken today appears to be a withdrawal of their commitments to reduce emissions and reach net-zero by 2050.  

“However, today’s developments provide an opportunity to refocus the discussion away from industry intentions and promises, and instead shift to a reasoned conversation about the need for regulations to ensure the industry decarbonizes. If oilsands companies do not take urgent steps to reduce emissions, they may not have a role in the low-carbon future that Canada and the world are rapidly heading towards."

Alex Burton. 
Communications Manager, Pembina Institute

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